We consider each student’s educational history and future goals when deciding whether he or she is most likely to flourish by being taught in a very small group or one-to-one. This means that each student receives the teaching approach that suits him or her best.
In addition, we offer an exceptional degree of flexibility in what we teach. All A level exam boards are offered and, with the guidance of their teachers, students are able to select the syllabus and units that best match their abilities and interests. There are no restrictions on combinations of A level subjects, and if they want to, students are able to retake and improve GCSEs whilst embarking on their A level courses.
For students joining us midway through a course or for retakes we offer a seamless transition continuing them on the same syllabus, and we never put students studying different exam boards or units in the same group.
Monitoring & Reporting
As well as working hard within lessons, doing sufficient homework and developing independent study habits are vital to success. Students’ mentors play a key role in developing these skills and work closely with their subject teachers and to provide appropriate and timely support.
If students need assistance with structuring their workload, subject-specific study periods are included in their timetable. We also timetable group study sessions for students who are following the same A level courses so that peer support and discussion are also fostered.
The progress of each of our students is closely monitored. As well as a mentor, each student is assigned a member of the Senior Leadership Team, who acts as a personal tutor. Our SLT personal tutors are responsible for tracking the attendance, progress and attainment of their tutees, and will highlight any areas for concern both to the Principal and the student’s parents or guardians.
Ongoing assessments are conducted by teachers throughout the term, with homework and test marks being recorded in lesson records. Each half term teachers complete a progress monitoring assessment to indicate whether students are exceeding, meeting or falling below expections, along with providing an end of course target grade plus with the grade the student is currently working at. Progress monitoring reports are then shared with parents, with SLT tutors being on hand to address any issues arising.
Mock exams are held at the end of the autumn and spring terms, and in the summer term for Year 12 students. Parents and guardians receive very detailed termly reports for each subject, including attendance statistics, test or mock exam results, and individual targets their child needs to work towards.
Teachers complete their teaching by the end of the spring term so that the summer term can be devoted to sustained exam practice with ongoing feedback. This enables students to measure their own progress and increases confidence in the actual examinations.
Parents and guardians are welcome to request feedback on their child’s progress at any point in the academic year, and they are able to telephone or meet with the Principal whenever they have concerns or would like to discuss their child’s progress.
Our parents are always immensely grateful for the individual care and attention we give to their children, and we in turn find clear, regular communication with parents yields impressive results!
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our students with special educational needs range from those of average academic ability who have found it difficult to achieve to the best of their ability in large class settings, to students who are academically gifted but also require teaching approaches adapted to their particular needs. For many of our students, and families, it is a relief and revelation when they realise there is a college where they can fulfil their academic potential.
The Principal acts as the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and is responsible for organising the educational provision for each student with special educational needs. This involves close liaison with parents, teachers, support staff, educational psychologists and other health/mental health professionals. We are also able to accept a limited number students with EHCPs and several London boroughs place students with us.
The SENCO co-ordinates with the college Examinations Officer, who is trained as an assessor for exam access arrangements. The college also liaises with health and mental health professionals, in addition to educational psychologists, to ensure that all students receive access arrangements that give them a fair chance to sit exams on a level footing with their peers.
In the sixth form students and their parents receive individual guidance for the UCAS and Careers Lead on how to access appropriate support so that they are able to make a successful and well supported transition on to university.
Pastoral Care and Safeguarding
Westminster Tutors is fully committed to the safeguarding, wellbeing and pastoral care of all our students.
The Principal is is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and has oversight of safeguarding and pastoral care of all students. He is supported in this role by Pastoral Director of Studies, who is also a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Our two other Directors of Studies (Academic and UCAS/ Careers) are also fully trained Deptuty Designated Safeguarding Leads, meaning the entire Senior Leadership Team is fully qualified and actively involved in safeguarding and pastoral care.
Each student is assigned a personal tutor from the Senior Leadership Team: the personal tutor plays a major role in monitoring academic progress as well wellbeing and acts as the link between students, their families, their teachers and their mentors.
In addition to having a personal tutor, each student is assigned a mentor who provides weekly one-to-one sessions that offer the opportunity for regular and specific support. The mentors have a dual role as they help students develop study skills as required, but they also provide the weekly contact which allows mentors to quickly identify issues or concerns the student may have and to provide a very high level of pastoral support.
Indeed, having seen the benefits of mentoring for our students with special educational needs, the college took the decision to extend mentoring to all students at the college. With such excellent pastoral support, we find our students gain in confidence, thrive academically and feel ready to tackle the challenges of adult life and university head on!