1. A student can normally be offered a place only after interview, and if that place is accepted, the registration form must be completed and signed by the person responsible for paying the fees, and returned to the college with the registration fee.
  2. All fees are payable termly and must be paid within 14 days of receipt of invoice. When fees are outstanding the college reserves the right to suspend students from classes until the account has been settled in full.
  3. If a student is to be withdrawn from a subject or a course, the college must receive written notice by half-term in the preceding term. This condition applies once the student has been registered with the college, and a term’s fees are payable if the required notice is not received.
  4. Fees cannot be refunded if a student is absent from classes. Although in such cases the teacher will advise the student how to make up for missed classes, extra tuition cannot be given without extra charge.
  5. In cases of verified illness or when students have medical appointments, twenty-four hours’ notice is required to cancel one-to-one lessons. If this notice is not received, extra tuition cannot be given without extra charge.
  6. If a student is the only one enrolled on a particular course, the college will provide individual tuition for the same course fee, but the number of hours per week may be reduced.
  7. Students are liable for any damage they cause to the college premises and property.

Why Choose Westminster Tutors?

  • Top independent sixth form college
  • Average grades 57% A*-A and 80% A*-B
  • Average A level retake improvement is 1.5 grades
  • Superbly qualified teachers who care
  • Exceptional UCAS support
  • Individual weekly mentoring
  • 100% of our parents recommend us
  • Celebrating 90 years of academic excellence
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Westminster Tutors is one of the oldest and best independent sixth form colleges in London. Established in 1934, our culture of scholastic excellence is deeply embedded and sets the standard for other colleges to follow.