Westminster Tutors specialises in providing expert preparation for students applying for university places at Oxford and Cambridge.
Our highly qualified and experienced teachers can help with personal statements, admissions tests and interview preparation.

Oxbridge Preparation

Westminster Tutors was founded to provide preparation for entrance to Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and to the present day this plays a significant part in what we offer both to our own students and to students from other schools.

Around a third of our teachers are Oxford and Cambridge graduates and they are therefore ideally placed to give valuable insights into how to make a strong application and what to expect at interview and beyond.

Each year students come to us to strengthen their Oxbridge applications by embarking on a short rigorous programme of study, or for admissions test and interview preparation. Preparation ranges from one hour of mock interview practice to regular tutorial sessions over the autumn term.

Interested applicants and parents should contact us directly to discuss their arrangements.

Why Choose Westminster Tutors?

  • Top independent sixth form college
  • Average grades 57% A*-A and 80% A*-B
  • Average A level retake improvement is 1.5 grades
  • Superbly qualified teachers who care
  • Exceptional UCAS support
  • Individual weekly mentoring
  • 100% of our parents recommend us
  • Celebrating 90 years of academic excellence
Student studying for her A-Levels
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About Us

Westminster Tutors is one of the oldest and best independent sixth form colleges in London. Established in 1934, our culture of scholastic excellence is deeply embedded and sets the standard for other colleges to follow.