A Levels

We are one of the best private A Level colleges in London

Westminster Tutors is a top independent sixth form with fantastic A level results and university destinations which are second to none.

In 2024, our initial results are 43% A*-A and 80% A*-B grades, with 77% of our students confirmed at the UK’s top Russell Group universities and 88% placing at their first choice university.

We really think we are the best – contact us today to find out what we can do for you!

A Level Courses Offered

There are a wide variety of A level courses offered at our sixth form college. We can teach all exam boards and any combination of subjects is possible, as our courses are individually designed and taught either one-to-one or in very small groups. A typical A level student would study three subjects over the course of two years, although we often admit ambitious students who would like to take a fourth A level subject or an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in Year 12.

Studying A Levels at Westminster Tutors Independent Sixth Form College

Joining our sixth form provides an ideal stepping stone to adult life and all that lies ahead. A level classes are taught either one-to-one or in very small groups by highly qualified and friendly teachers. The combination of informality with academic expertise means our students learn to enter into dialogue with their teachers and engage with them as adults. This provides an invaluable foundation for university life as well as the world of work.

Each student is assigned a personal tutor from the Senior Leadership Team, and we are unique in offering weekly individual mentoring to all of our students: this supports both academic and personal development. Our approach, combined with the collegiate atmosphere and intellectually engaging lessons, means that our students not only get the A level grades that win them places at the UK’s top universities, but also embark on their degree courses as confident, mature and independent learners.

This is not to say that all students wish to go on to university – for example we are seeing increasing interest in degree apprenticeships – and we also prepare our students for competitive job applications in an increasingly digitalised age. Expert careers and higher education guidance is provided on an individual basis throughout the sixth form, and all our advice and guidance is geared towards broadening opportunity and encouraging aspiration. We are rightly ambitious for each and every one of our students!

Apart from their A level courses, our sixth form students are joining a welcoming, diverse and inclusive college community. The college has a mature environment as we only enrol students in Year 12 and above, and we focus on the needs and issues of this age group. Since our ethos is built upon respect for the individual and others, we find little need to implement endless rules other than those that assure the safety and wellbeing of all. Our students’ attitudes and behaviour are excellent with no incidences of bullying being reported in recent years. Our kind, relaxed and friendly environment means newcomers quickly imbue the ethos of the college and their time with us becomes an exciting and positive journey towards adulthood.

Sixth formers are able to participate in a variety of study and interest groups, and social activities are arranged both by the students and the college. We offer a full PSHCE programme that is age-appropriate, relevant and challenging. Indeed, we often adjust the programme so that students are able to share ideas and discuss the most pressing issues of the day.

Enrichment opportunities abound, due to the talents of our staff and our location in central London. Year 12 students are able to pursue independent research by embarking on an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in an area of academic interest. There are also opportunities to join the Music department or take short Film courses at other colleges in our group. Many of our science and Maths teachers have research backgrounds and are able to devise research projects and other activities which give their students opportunities to explore beyond the confines of the A level curriculum.

A Level Courses – Entry Requirements

As we are a non-selective sixth form college, there are no specific entry requirements for our A level courses although some A levels require a foundation knowledge of grade 6 or higher at GCSE. The Principal interviews all prospective students and discusses their educational background and future aspirations in detail to make sure that an appropriate A level programme can be offered. Our aim is for each student to fulfil their academic potential, so we take care to consider realistic and achievable goals. If the Principal is satisfied that we are able to meet the individual needs of a student, a formal offer will be made to enrol at the college. During enrolment, references at the student’s previous school will be sought to confirm their suitability.

Study for your A Levels near your home

Westminster Tutors is well located in central London, so you can study for your A levels near your home. We are a short walk from South Kensington underground station, served by the District and Piccadilly lines. For students who live further away and have longer commutes, we can design flexible timetables to avoid early morning starts. There is also the option for online lessons in the event of travel disruptions and strikes. Regardless of whether you are studying online, in college or with a combination of the two, our teachers make sure that you are learning to the best of your abilities.

What Happens on A Level Results Day

Many students are understandably nervous about what happens on A level results day, so it is always a good idea to be prepared. A level results day 2024 will take place on Thursday 15th August and you will receive your results from 8am. We hope everyone gets the grades they want this year, but our staff will be available all day to support students.

A Level Results

We are extremely proud of all our students’ A level results every year, as these are testament to their hard work and dedication as well as demonstrating why our teaching approach works so well. Our results over the past few years have seen a large proportion of the top grades: on average, 57% of all A level grades achieved by our students are A*-A, while 80% are A*-B.

What are my Options with UCAS on A Level Results Day?

UCAS Track, where you can check the status of your application, will also open on 8am on 15 August 2024. At that time you will be able to see whether either your firm or insurance offers are confirmed (unconditional), are still conditional (perhaps meaning information is outstanding), or if you are in Clearing. Make sure you check your A level results as well as UCAS as you can sometimes get confirmed at a university even if you don’t meet the grades.

University Destinations

As our students receive excellent A level results, these naturally lead to impressive university destinations as well. In 2024, 77% of our students placed at Russell Group universities and 88% at their first choice. As part of our sixth form programme, we provide individual advice and guidance to all of our students throughout their UCAS application. We are also very mindful of the world of work and employment prospects, and are seeing increasing interest in degree apprenticeships. Recently we have had two students secure degree apprenticeships at PWC and Thales, which are fully funded and include degree course studies at Russell Group universities. We therefore give all of our students a wide range of careers advice about options available to them.

Other Courses

Retaking A Levels

We are equally experienced and successful at supporting students who are retaking A levels. Our A level retake students get fabulous A level results: our average retake improvement is 1.5 grades, and in 2024, 83% of our retake students went on to the top Russell Group universities. Most notably in recent years we have had A level retake students take up places at Oxford and Cambridge, as well as courses in Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry. This success is down to our retake students achieving their full academic potential as well as expert guidance on how to enhance their applications.  Read more

Private Tuition

Westminster Tutors provides one-to-one teaching in all subjects and at all levels. All tuition is tailor-made to each student’s individual requirements. Contact us to find out more about private tuition options available at Westminster Tutors college.  Read more

Revision Courses

If you are not receiving the individual attention you need at your schools, or you are a very high-achieving student who wishes to leave no stone unturned in securing the highest grades or best university places join us over the half-terms and holidays for tailor-made revision for your GCSE/IGCSE and A Level examinations.  read more

Our Teachers

Since 1934 we have built our reputation on our teachers and they remain our greatest asset today. Our student-teacher ratio is 1:1 and it is our policy to offer a balance of the brightest and best graduates from the top universities with highly qualified teachers who have many years of experience.   Read more


Westminster Tutors is an academically non-selective college, and we welcome applications from students of all abilities and backgrounds. Because of our flexible tuition programmes it is also possible for students to join us at any point in the academic year.   Read more


Our annual fees are paid in two instalments, half in September and half in January. If a student enrols at a different point in the year, fees are calculated pro rata.   Read more