Westminster Tutors is an academically non-selective college, and we welcome applications from students of all abilities and backgrounds. Because of our flexible tuition programmes it is also possible for students to join us at any point in the academic year.

Admissions Process

1. Initial Enquiry

At the initial enquiry stage, we will endeavour to provide frank and honest advice which will enable prospective students and parents/carers to decide whether Westminster Tutors is suitable for them. We always take care to ensure that we are offering a programme that is realistic and achievable for the student, and our most important admissions criterion is that we can meet the needs of the applicant.

2. Interview

Given our attention to the individual, the key stage of the admissions process is the interview. Prospective students and parents/carers who have expressed an interest in joining Westminster Tutors will be invited to visit us so that they can be shown around the college and meet with the Principal. In this meeting the Principal will discuss the applicant’s educational background in some detail and find out what his or her future goals are.

3. Offer

By the end of the interview the Principal will advise on the most appropriate course of study, the timeframe, the costs, and the proposed outcome. Subject to the suitability of the applicant, and our ability to achieve the desired educational goals, the Principal will make an offer of a place either during the interview or subsequently by email.

4. Enrolment

In order to take up this offer of a place and confirm the enrolment, the Westminster Tutors Registration Form will need to be completed and returned to us. We will then confirm the student’s start date and a timetable will be provided just before the commencement of teaching.

Term Dates

The term dates for our academic year range from September to June with a total of 32 weeks. This is divided into 12 weeks each for the Autumn and Spring Terms and 8 weeks of Summer Term. Christmas and Easter holidays are both 3 weeks and there are 1-week half term breaks in October and February.   Read more


Our annual fees are paid in two instalments, half in September and the other half in January. Because of our flexible tuition programmes it is possible for students to join us at any point in the academic year, in which case fees will be calculated pro rata.   Read more

About Our Sixth Form College

You can find out all the information you need to know about our sixth form college here on our website, or simply get in touch now if you have any particular queries.   Read more

Our Courses

We teach all of our courses either one-to-one or in very small groups. The majority of students enrolled at our sixth form college study A levels, but we also offer provision for A level retakes and GCSEs. In addition, students from other schools have the option of arranging private tuition or Oxbridge preparation with us.   Read more

Retaking Exams

Westminster Tutors offers tailor-made support for students who are retaking exams. Our A level retake courses are flexible and individually designed so that our students can focus on the areas they need most help with. The success of this approach is borne out by our results: our average improvement is 1.6 grades. It is also possible for private candidates to sit their exams externally with us. We are a registered exam centre with AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC.   Read more

Private Tuition

If you are not receiving the individual attention you need at your school, or if you are a very high-achieving student who wishes to leave no stone unturned in securing the highest grades or best university places, we can arrange bespoke private tuition and tailor-made revision for your GCSE/IGCSE and A Level examinations.   Read more