Latest Articles

What’s it really like at university?!

What’s it really like at university?!

At Westminster Tutors, we are all too familiar with the stresses that all sixth form students encounter as they start to think about life beyond college and what they actually want to do as they move into adult life. Increasingly young people feel the weight...

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National Crime Agency

National Crime Agency

All schools and colleges in the UK have recently been sent information from the National Crime Agency, raising awareness of the recent rise in reporting of financially motivated sexual extortion (a type of online blackmail often known in the media as...

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Student of the Year Awards at the House of Lords

Student of the Year Awards at the House of Lords

We are delighted to announce that our student Rosie Hughes has been awarded a CIFE student of the year prize at a ceremony at the House of Lords. CIFE is the professional association of independent sixth form colleges, of which Westminster Tutors is a...

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Careers in Advertising: Guest Speaker Olivia Johnson

Careers in Advertising: Guest Speaker Olivia Johnson

Today we were delighted to welcome Olivia Johnson who spoke to our students about careers in advertising. Olivia has had a long and successful career in advertising since first joining Bartle Bogle and Hegarty (home of the legendary Levis jeans advert) in...

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WT Alumni News

WT Alumni News

We are always so proud of our students when they head off to university to take up the fantastic places they have won through their hard work and excellent A level results. What we love even more is when former students and their families keep in touch with...

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UCAS Highlights 2023

UCAS Highlights 2023

Many congratulations to our students going on to university this year! This year’s highlights include: Bath: Psychology Exeter: Philosophy; Renewable Energy Engineering Glasgow: Product Design Engineering King’s: Modern Languages; Biomedical Science UCL:...

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Key Information on Results Day and UCAS

Key Information on Results Day and UCAS

Dear Students, Parents and Families I hope you are all okay as you await your results tomorrow. I totally understand this is a nerve-wracking time for you all and I am getting various last minute queries, so I hope some of the following information will be...

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End of Year Sports Match

End of Year Sports Match

As per tradition at Westminster Tutors, we ended the academic year with the staff vs students rounders match in Hyde Park. The staff team were determined to hold onto the trophy from last year, but unfortunately, the hot weather on a Friday afternoon drained...

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Welcome to our New Principal

Welcome to our New Principal

We are pleased to welcome our new Principal, Sean Doherty, who will replace Joe Mattei at the end of the academic year. Sean, current Deputy Head of School and Founding Teacher at North Bridge House School, was the outstanding candidate from an extensive...

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CIFE Afternoon Tea & Awards Ceremony

CIFE Afternoon Tea & Awards Ceremony

The annual CIFE Awards returned to the House of Lords on Tuesday 25th April 2023. The ceremony awarded outstanding students from colleges across the country and included afternoon tea for the award winners and their families. Our Senior Consultant and...

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Zoo Trip

Zoo Trip

Our Biology teacher Paul is organising a trip to London zoo for all students. This will take place on Saturday 25th March. Paul will meet the students at the zoo entrance at 12pm. This will be a fun and interesting trip with fascinating facts, cute tiger...

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Economics Society

Economics Society

A few weeks ago, two of our students, Jake and Tom, took the initiative to start up an Economics Society, which has attracted a large number of students, both those studying Economics for A level and those with a keen interest. The goal of the society is to...

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Women’s Self Defence Workshop

Women’s Self Defence Workshop

We are inviting our female students to a women’s self defence workshop during the February half-term. The session will take place on Friday 17 February from 12pm to 3:45pm with 45 minutes for a lunchbreak. The workshop is being delivered by the London Self...

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Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament

On Monday 31st October, students from year 12 and 13 visited the Houses of Parliament, accompanied by Anthony Staddon, one of our Politics teachers and an expert on parliamentary process. Students were given a tour, listened in to debates in both the Commons...

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Theatre Trip to the Crucible

Theatre Trip to the Crucible

Next Monday 17th October, we have a school theatre trip to The Crucible at the National Theatre. The play starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 10.20pm, including an interval. We only have a small number of tickets, so please let us know as soon as possible if...

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Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament

We have arranged a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 31 October between 2:15pm and 4:30pm. We will meet at college and travel there as a group. This is a fantastic opportunity to see inside one of the world’s most famous buildings and learn more...

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Three into Cambridge University!!

Three into Cambridge University!!

Three cheers for three of our students who are starting at Cambridge University in a month’s time, we are massively proud of them and their considerable talents. We are also rather proud of ourselves as each of them obtained A*A*A* in their A levels and we...

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A Level Results 2022

A Level Results 2022

Well done to all our A level students receiving their A level grades today! It has been a particularly challenging few years, so everyone should be very proud of their achievements. At Westminster Tutors, initial data shows that 35% of all A level grades in...

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Staff vs Students Rounders

Staff vs Students Rounders

The much-anticipated end of term staff vs students rounders match took place last Friday. To celebrate the end of the academic year and the last A level exam, a team of teachers and admin staff faced up against the Year 12 and 13 students in Hyde Park for an...

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Biodiversity Practical

Biodiversity Practical

Year 12 Biology students will take part in a biodiversity practical on Tuesday 14th June. Students will meet at the college at 11:30 and then walk to Kensington Gardens, which is only a few minutes away. The practical activity will involve placing quadrats...

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Why Choose Westminster Tutors?

  • Top independent sixth form college
  • Average grades 57% A*-A and 80% A*-B
  • 68% placed at Russell Group unis
  • Superbly qualified teachers who care
  • Average A level retake improvement is 1.5 grades
Student studying for her A-Levels
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About Us

Westminster Tutors is one of the oldest and best independent sixth form colleges in London. Established in 1934, our culture of scholastic excellence is deeply embedded and sets the standard for other colleges to follow.