Latest Articles

Economics Society
A few weeks ago, two of our students, Jake and Tom, took the initiative to start up an Economics Society, which has attracted a large number of students, both those studying Economics for A level and those with a keen interest. The goal of the society is to...

Women’s Self Defence Workshop
We are inviting our female students to a women’s self defence workshop during the February half-term. The session will take place on Friday 17 February from 12pm to 3:45pm with 45 minutes for a lunchbreak. The workshop is being delivered by the London Self...

Visit to the Houses of Parliament
On Monday 31st October, students from year 12 and 13 visited the Houses of Parliament, accompanied by Anthony Staddon, one of our Politics teachers and an expert on parliamentary process. Students were given a tour, listened in to debates in both the Commons...

Theatre Trip to the Crucible
Next Monday 17th October, we have a school theatre trip to The Crucible at the National Theatre. The play starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 10.20pm, including an interval. We only have a small number of tickets, so please let us know as soon as possible if...

Visit to the Houses of Parliament
We have arranged a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 31 October between 2:15pm and 4:30pm. We will meet at college and travel there as a group. This is a fantastic opportunity to see inside one of the world’s most famous buildings and learn more...

Three into Cambridge University!!
Three cheers for three of our students who are starting at Cambridge University in a month’s time, we are massively proud of them and their considerable talents. We are also rather proud of ourselves as each of them obtained A*A*A* in their A levels and we...
A Level Results 2022
Well done to all our A level students receiving their A level grades today! It has been a particularly challenging few years, so everyone should be very proud of their achievements. At Westminster Tutors, initial data shows that 35% of all A level grades in...

Staff vs Students Rounders
The much-anticipated end of term staff vs students rounders match took place last Friday. To celebrate the end of the academic year and the last A level exam, a team of teachers and admin staff faced up against the Year 12 and 13 students in Hyde Park for an...

Biodiversity Practical
Year 12 Biology students will take part in a biodiversity practical on Tuesday 14th June. Students will meet at the college at 11:30 and then walk to Kensington Gardens, which is only a few minutes away. The practical activity will involve placing quadrats...

Tube Strike
The tube strike planned for Monday 6th June is going ahead. The college will still be open and A level exams will continue as normal. Our guidance is as follows: Students taking A level exams on Monday. Fortunately, there are no morning exams, so the only...

UCAS Evening & Financial Careers Talk
Virginia Maguire, Senior Consultant and Director of Studies, will be holding an introduction to UCAS for Year 12 students and parents on Wednesday 25 May at 6pm. She will be talking through the UCAS process and the support we offer at Westminster Tutors....

Mozammel Hossain QC Careers Talk
On Thursday, Mozammel Hossain QC met with students to give insights into his highly successful career as a criminal barrister. Mozammel is the first Bangladeshi-born QC, and has worked for many years on high profile criminal cases. In an informal and...

CIFE Award Presentation at The House of Lords – Student of the Year
On Tuesday 26th April, in a ceremony at the House of Lords, Anusha Patel was presented with the CIFE award for Outstanding Contribution to College Life. She was awarded the prize by Lord Lexden, Chairman of CIFE (the Council for Independent Education). As...

David Game College Prom
Westminster Tutors students are welcome to join the annual David Game College student party on Saturday 7th May, at the WildSide Roof Space at The DoubleTree Hilton (Tower of London). Tickets are a heavily subsidised £40 and include food and non-alcoholic...

French A Level Film Screening at the Ciné Lumière
French A Level students are invited to attend a film screening at the Ciné Lumière at the Institut Français on Thursday 24th March. The film is a comedy called La famille Bélier about music and social class in France. It is part of the Set French Days...

A Level Easter Revision
As the summer A level exams loom ever closer, it is important to consider how you are preparing and revising for success. There are only a few weeks left of the spring term, and then you will have up to three weeks off over the Easter holidays. This is the...

Small Island at the National Theatre
On Monday 28th February there will be a college theatre trip to Small Island at the National Theatre: The play starts at 7.30pm and should finish between 9.30 and 10pm (the running times have yet to be...

Advance Information for Summer 2022 Exams
This week the exam boards have published their advance information for the exams this summer, and this can be found at the links below: AQA Edexcel OCR Our initial impression is that there is not much reduction in content, but the aim is to guide students to...

Student Debates
For our PSHCE sessions this half term, our students have been working on preparing debates. This has helped them to get used to speaking in public, working as a team to research a topic, and building clear and persuasive arguments. Three debates took place...

Cambridge Offers
It’s always nice to pass on good news, and we are really pleased to say that two of our students were successful in their applications to Cambridge. A huge amount of that is down to the support of Virginia and our teachers - well done on your fantastic...

Westminster Authors
Our teachers have many talents, and several of them are published authors! David Swift has taught History and Politics at Westminster Tutors for several years, alongside researching and teaching at a number of universities in the UK and abroad. He...

Complimentary David Game College Clubs
As part of the David Game College Group, Westminster Tutors students can enjoy the varied clubs and activities offered at David Game College, at no extra charge. David Game College is a 30 minute journey from Westminster Tutors, right by Aldgate tube station...

A Level Exams in Summer 2022
Following the cancellation of summer exams in 2020 and 2021, the government plans for A level and GCSE students to take exams as normal in summer 2022. The exam timetables for the summer have now been published, and they can be found on the individual exam...

End of Term Events
Well done to all of our students and staff for working so hard this term. Last week, we held mock exams, and it was clear just how serious and focussed our students were. For this final week of term, we have had a number of festive events to help the...

Reading Group
Will Bynoe is starting a reading group that is open to all students. The plan is to read a short, interesting article before each meeting and then meet to discuss it. We hope it will be an opportunity for students to get to know each other in a friendly,...

Museum Trip
The Art Department will be taking students to the V&A Museum next Monday morning. Students will meet at the college, walk to the museum, which is only a few minutes away, and then walk back. This is a great opportunity for students to see a fantastic...

Every year, we ask our students and parents to give us feedback about their experiences with Westminster Tutors. We are very pleased to be able to share below some of the wonderful comments we were left this year. “From the very first contact with...

Teacher Assessed Grades – Results Day and Appeals
It might feel like the summer has barely begun, and for us teachers it has certainly crept up on us, but results days are here! Tomorrow at 8.30am A level results will be published, with GCSEs on Thursday at the same time. This article is a short summary of...

Westminster Tutors Features in The Good Schools Guide London North
A few years ago The Good Schools Guide visited Westminster Tutors and wrote a glowing review of our college. We are proud to be featured in the seventh edition of The Good Schools Guide London North, which arrives this month. You can read our review on The...

Teacher Assessed Grades – Key Dates
Due to the Teacher Assessed Grades process replacing exams this year, the summer term will essentially be an assessment period for all students taking A levels and GCSEs. There are six weeks for the assessment process, with the option of an extension week...