Economics Society

Economics Society

Economics Society A few weeks ago, two of our students, Jake and Tom, took the initiative to start up an Economics Society, which has attracted a large number of students, both those studying Economics for A level and those with a keen interest. The goal of the...
Women’s Self Defence Workshop

Women’s Self Defence Workshop

Women’s Self Defence Workshop We are inviting our female students to a women’s self defence workshop during the February half-term. The session will take place on Friday 17 February from 12pm to 3:45pm with 45 minutes for a lunchbreak. The workshop is being delivered...
Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament On Monday 31st October, students from year 12 and 13 visited the Houses of Parliament, accompanied by Anthony Staddon, one of our Politics teachers and an expert on parliamentary process. Students were given a tour, listened in to...
Theatre Trip to the Crucible

Theatre Trip to the Crucible

Theatre Trip to the Crucible Next Monday 17th October, we have a school theatre trip to The Crucible at the National Theatre. The play starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 10.20pm, including an interval. We only have a small number of tickets, so please let us know as...
Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament

Visit to the Houses of Parliament We have arranged a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 31 October between 2:15pm and 4:30pm. We will meet at college and travel there as a group. This is a fantastic opportunity to see inside one of the world’s most famous...